Stratipath, a global leader in artificial intelligence (AI)-based precision diagnostic solutions, is thrilled to announce a collaboration with Roche, the world’s largest biotechnology company and the global leader in in-vitro diagnostics. In this non-exclusive collaboration, Roche will have the distribution rights to the integrated Stratipath solution, Stratipath Breast. The integration between Stratipath Breast and Roche’s navify® Digital Pathology enterprise software enables Roche customers to seamlessly perform prognostic risk profiling analyses directly from navify® Digital Pathology platform.
Stockholm - Sweden, Sept. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
Stratipath, a global leader in artificial intelligence (AI)-based precision diagnostic solutions, is thrilled to announce a collaboration with Roche, the world’s largest biotechnology company and the global leader in in-vitro diagnostics. In this non-exclusive collaboration, Roche will have the distribution rights to the integrated Stratipath solution, Stratipath Breast. The integration between Stratipath Breast and Roche’s navify® Digital Pathology enterprise software enables Roche customers to seamlessly perform prognostic risk profiling analyses directly from navify® Digital Pathology platform. Stratipath Breast is the first EU regulatory-compliant solution for risk stratification of breast cancer using AI-based precision diagnostics. This deep learning-based solution analyses digitised haematoxylin and eosin-stained histopathology images of breast cancer tissue to enable the identification of patients with increased risk of disease progression, thus providing novel decision support for clinicians in the diagnostic evaluation of breast cancer. In contrast to conventional molecular tests, AI-based risk profiling offers shorter turnaround times for results, delivers new insights at the point of diagnosis, and substantially reduces the reliance on expensive molecular testing. As a result, Stratipath Breast provides broader accessibility and benefits for a greater number of breast cancer patients. "Stratipath Breast represents a significant advancement by offering a faster and more cost-effective alternative to traditional molecular assays. By integrating with Roche’s navify® Digital Pathology enterprise software, a large number of pathology labs globally now gain rapid access to AI-based prognostic insights, all while streamlining laboratory processes and minimising costs." says Fredrik Wetterhall, CEO and co-founder of Stratipath. This collaboration between Stratipath and Roche represents a significant step forward in breast cancer diagnostics. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and digital pathology, the two organisations are committed to improving the lives of breast cancer patients worldwide. |
Lars Lengquist Stratipath +46 709574782 |
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